Best Han Xin Builds (Skill, Combos, Equipment & Arcana) In Honor of Kings


Best Han Xin Builds (Skill, Combos, Equipment & Arcana) In Honor of Kings

Hero Information

Han Xin
Class: Assassin
Chinese version name: 韩信
Han Xin may seem compliant and cooperative, but beneath the surface, he is an unyielding strategist filled with an ambition that even rivals that of his master, Liu Bang. He has endured countless humiliations as a means to survive and achieve his goals, while silently nurturing the rage that has imprinted itself upon his heart.
Han Xin pretends to be just another one of Liu Bang's subordinates, waiting for his chance to raise a storm in the Riverlands to avenge himself and return all the humiliation he has suffered a hundred-fold.

Skills and Abilities

Skill honor of kings

Killing Spear

Skill honor of kings


Cooldown: 7.5
Han Xin jumps backwards and changes his next normal attack into a sweep attack, which lasts for 3 seconds.
The sweep will cause 180/200/220/240/260/280 (+100% physical bonus) physical damage to enemies within the range.
Skill honor of kings

Guoshi Wushuang

Cooldown: 30/27/24
Han Xin swings his spear four times in the specified direction, dealing 250/300/350 (+85% physical bonus) physical damage to the enemy each time. The last attack will knock enemies in the range away for 0.5 seconds.
During the swing, Han Xin is in a dominant state and gains 30% damage reduction.

Recommended Equipment

honor of kings
honor of kings
honor of kings
honor of kings
honor of kings

Recommended Arcana

honor of kings
honor of kings
honor of kings

Recommended Common Skills

honor of kings
honor of kings

Tips and easy combos to learn

Han Xin's 1st and 2nd skills add up to three stages of displacement, which can be used to advance a very long distance. Use the 1st skill to continuously output damage, and then use the 2nd skill to catch up with the enemy when the enemy moves far away. When the 1st skill knocks the enemy away, you can also use the big move to ensure the output of the big move.
Han Xin has super mobility and great damage. In team battles, Han Xin needs to avoid being controlled and focused by the first mover. He needs to move carefully and find a suitable time to enter the field, rush into the enemy's back row and kill them. If the skills are used up, do not chase them too far, but retreat tactically first. Han Xin's CD is very short, so you need to wait for the next wave of skills to CD and then rush in to kill him.

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