Best Mulan Builds (Skill, Combos, Equipment & Arcana) In Honor of Kings


Best Mulan Builds (Skill, Combos, Equipment & Arcana) In Honor of Kings

Hero Information

Class: Fighter
Chinese version name: 花木兰
Mulan has a forthright temperament, and a never-give-up attitude. Though she was plotted against and branded a traitor, she remained on the battlefield and volunteered to defend the Great Wall. With her superior leadership and unquestionable strength, and by always entering the thick of the fray with a fearless bravado, Mulan has united powerful warriors in the fight against both feralis and barbarians. Her brilliant red hair and exceptional use of two sets of swords have become hallmarks of this remarkable woman.

Skills and Abilities

Skill honor of kings

Great Wall Patrol

Skill honor of kings

Air Split

Cooldown: 8
Mulan throws a rapier in the specified direction, dealing 180/200/220/240/260/280 (+90% physical bonus) physical damage to enemies on the path.
The rapier will rotate at the end point for 3 seconds, dealing 100 (+36% physical bonus) physical damage to enemies within range every 0.5 seconds and reducing their movement speed by 50% for 1 second. Picking up the rapier will reduce the cooldown of Dancing Flower by 5 seconds.
Skill honor of kings


Blade Cooldown: 6
When Hua Mulan draws out her heavy sword and sweeps, she gains a 40% damage reduction effect. The sweep deals 200/280/360 (+110% physical bonus) physical damage to nearby enemies and increases their attack power by 60/180/300 points, which lasts for 5 seconds.
After drawing out the heavy sword, she will use heavy sword skills.

Recommended Equipment

honor of kings
honor of kings
honor of kings
honor of kings
honor of kings

Recommended Arcana

honor of kings
honor of kings
honor of kings

Recommended Common Skills

honor of kings
honor of kings

Tips and easy combos to learn

Reasonably use the ultimate skill to switch forms to deal with different situations; chase the enemy's back row and lone heroes in the dual sword form, and deal high damage and absorb damage in the heavy sword form.
Choose to use the dual swords or heavy sword form to rush to the back row/attack the front row first according to the battle situation, and then use the big move to switch forms and use the second wave of skills during the skill vacuum period.

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